Indexify servers and coordinators export the metrics in Prometheus format on the following urls:

coordinator:8960/metrics - cluster metrics for content upload and extraction

server:8900/metrics - http api metrics on this node

server:8900/metrics/ingest - metrics for content upload and extraction on this node

The following metrics are specific to Indexify cluster operation:

  • indexify_coordinator_executors_online
  • indexify_coordinator_tasks_in_progress
  • indexify_coordinator_content_uploads_total
  • indexify_coordinator_content_bytes_uploaded_total
  • indexify_coordinator_content_extracted_total
  • indexify_coordinator_content_bytes_extracted_total
  • indexify_coordinator_tasks_completed_total
  • indexify_coordinator_tasks_errored_total

This is an example of prometheus configuration to collect metrics from server and coordinator hosts:

  - job_name: 'indexify-server-ingest'
    metrics_path: /metrics/ingest
      - targets: ['server:8900']

  - job_name: 'indexify-server'
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ['server:8900']

  - job_name: 'indexify-coordinator'
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ['coordinator:8960']

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