There are two CLIs for Indexify -

  • Server CLI - Starts server for hosting Graph Endpoints and Orchestration.
  • Executor CLI - Starts Executors that run functions, and build docker images with dependencies for running them.


The server can be downloaded from the Indexify website

curl | sh

Start Server

Start the server in the current directory


Start with Custom Config

indexify-server -c /path/to/config.yaml

Start Executor

The executor cli is packaged in the indexify python package.

Install the package using pip -

pip install indexify

Start Executor

indexify-cli executor --server-addr <server-ip>:<server-port>

Starts an executor and connects to the server at the given address. The server address can be found from the Indexify serverโ€™s configuration.

Default Server Address: localhost:8900

Start Server and Executor in Dev Mode

The indexify-cli can download the server and executor and start them in the same terminal for convenience.

indexify-cli server-dev-mode

Build Function Images

indexify-cli build-image /path/to/workflow/ function_name

The file name is the path to the file that contains the function for which the image has to be built.

Build Default Image

This is rarely needed but can be used to build the default image that is used by the executor to run functions.

indexify-cli build-default-image